About Us

Deadline Comics is an independent, creator-owned comic book publisher. Created in 2024 by Mike and Jeff, our mission is to build readership through fun, sustainable stories. As creators, we know the market is fraught with obstacles. As readers, we know budgets are tight. Our hope is that you’ll find our comics enjoyable and share them with your friends.

How it started

Jeff: “Hey man, you wanna go to Terrificon in August?”

Mike: “Yeah, we can get a table.”

Jeff: “Oh — Yeah ok, let’s do that. I’ve been working on a project that should be ready.”

Mike: “Me too. How about we call ourselves ‘Deadline Comics’?”

Jeff: “Ok that sounds cool. We have an August deadline.”


Campaign Logo

An action-adventure comic inspired by fantasy tabletop roleplaying games. The cast of characters are adventurers, fighting necromancers, monsters, and their own inner demons. This long-form comic follows the final campaign of the Boatmen of Charon, a holy order of guardians and inquisitors, fighting to keep the journey between life and death a one-way trip. In a world of sorcery, demons, and monsters, this is not an easy task.

Following a devastating war, the Boatmen numbers are diminished. They have contracted a groups adventurers to aid in their quest to keep the necromancers at bay. Not everyone supports this decision, and some groups openly oppose the Boatman when they can. Who hasn’t lost someone and wished they could have them back?

In a world where magic flows like a river, The Boatmen, protectors of the living, face a growing threat. The barrier between realms weakens, allowing the dead and their nefarious magics to seep into the world.

With their ranks of Guardians and Inquisitors depleted, the
Chief Inquisitor dispatches a band of unlikely heroes:

A stoic warrior driven by his hatred of necromancers,
a bellicose mage with a forbidden secret,
an erudite cleric who worships magic itself,
and a charismatic young rogue with a knack for trouble.

Charged to protect the living from necromancers, monsters, and diabolical villains; Unearth and eradicate sources of evil; and to send the dead back where they belong.

This is the story of The Last Great Campaign of The Boatmen,
a desperate fight for the fate of humanity …

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